or, The Mind Melting Drone of The Minin Lazers…
I have never been, nor shall I ever be, a miner. Tried it, got the T-shirt… balled the T-shirt up, stuffed it into an ore compression unit, jetcanned it and the ore is was compressed into, target locked it, sent 5 Warrior IIs to attack it… and fired 2 Heavy Caldari Navy Scourge missiles at it for good measure. Fuk that T-shirt…
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Take that… stoopid T-shirt |
OK, so you mebbe get the idea I am not into mining much… all I can say is that the complete inactivity one experiences once one has begun mining ops combined with the endless mind numbing sound of the mining lazers… just makes me wanna podlkill myself. I really feel that this HAS to be the absolute worst way to “enjoy” making ISK in all of EVE, and yet… there are those who do naught else, and while I dunt know the percentages, not all of them are BOT miners.
Bastards Over There Mining Corp…
BOT Miners are the ultimate “I dunt wanna mine” crowd… cause THEY dunt mine, their BOTS do, and they are, to me (and MANY others including CCP) not “players” in the game. They use software roBOTs and Macros to run their mining ships and fleets so they can make ISK while being permaAFK.
EVE is a Shared Virtual Reality…
Shared = we all do whatever we do together in real time in the same ‘verse;
Virtual = this ‘verse exists inside a computer matrix; (howdya like them mixed metaphors huh!?)
Reality = collective subjective experiences from moment to moment in real time.
BOT Miners break this Shared Virtual Reality in two ways by…
(1) NOT being there with all the rest of us in real time, in doing so they…
(b) opt out of the shared ‘reality’ we all experience.
When a BOT Miner has ships attacked and destroyed, he may not find out for hours or even days afterwards. He is not THERE on scene when things happen, WITH the rest of us sharing the experience that is EVE… and so you end up with things like Hulkageddon.
BOT Miners break this Shared Virtual Reality in two ways by…
(1) NOT being there with all the rest of us in real time, in doing so they…
(b) opt out of the shared ‘reality’ we all experience.
When a BOT Miner has ships attacked and destroyed, he may not find out for hours or even days afterwards. He is not THERE on scene when things happen, WITH the rest of us sharing the experience that is EVE… and so you end up with things like Hulkageddon.
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The Mittani & Helicity Boson – HAG V |
To mine, ORE not to refine?
Anyhoo… my whole corp, small as ‘tis, is basically of one mind on this. None of us really “like” mining as compared to PvP or PvE or even, say… hittin ones self in da face with a nail studded Louisville Slugger… OK, mebbe I am a bit moar averse to mining than the rest, but it aint their first (or second or thirtyseventh) pick on the list of Things To Do in EVE either.
But back when we setup Serenity Station we turned our shining faces to the sun with high hopes and aspirations of being Industrial Tycoons and having tha ability to expend massive amounts of ammo and missiles AND SHIPS at a fraction of the cost of others cause we made em ourselves!! Uh huh… but no matter how many ammo and droan and ship assembly arrays you have… you aint makin shit one till you got ores… and we dunt like to mine… Hmmm.
So here we have this very nice POS, all dethstarry with its massive Rings of Deth defensive arrays and all cluttered and hard to move around in inside due to the number of assembly arrays… and we dunt make shit. We spent months using it for almost nothing but ship and mod storage so we can run Sleepers and have our own home in the sky. The ONLY thing we did do, which I will say is no “small” thing, is our industry corpmate was able to do the required training and buy or mfg the required parts and our first Capitol Ship, a Nidhoggur Class carrier, rolled out the Lrg Ship Assembly Array several weeks ago.
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They’re sooooo cute when they’re newborn!! |
Understand I am very proud of our corpmate for his achievement and I am extremely proud to be part of a corp, as small as we are, that has joined the ranks of the corps and alliances in EVE who have fielded Capitol Class vessels. It is an achievement of note… but it is still the only thing of any real value we have built in the POS since we set it up. So, we finally decided we needed a someone who has whatever it takes to actually enjoy sitting for hours as his(her) brain liquefies to the drone of the mining lazers, we needed to hire us a miner, which means we need to get active about recruiting… Hmmmm.
NBDR = Not Blue Dunt Recruit…
I hate recruiting. Scares me worse than a Tengu poppin up on grid while I am in my Noctis all alone in the hole… You see, I read constantly. I read Sci-fi books, history (mainly war histories), and EVERYTHING I can find about EVE. I read “voraciously” to quote a friend when he realized that I read several books at the same time. I will have one by my bedside, one (or two) in my backpack, and usually one I carry around with me so I have something to read in those brief quiet moments waiting on whatever to start, finish, reboot, load, break, set or…
My reading as regards EVE has shown me that there is, in my mind, the distinct possibility that, moar ISK has been lost to spais and corporate intrigue than has ever been lost to PvP or any form of aggro. We are a small tight corp. We are RL friends and family. I TRUST these guys… and I have trusted them in RL with the life and safety of my children. I think I can trust them with everything I have in a game. But to trust a toon? Some char with I dunt care what stats? “Oh look, he’s a noob, only 4 weeks ingame…” Uh huh… the CHAR may be 4 weeks old… the GUY behind the keyboard may have been playing EVE since the second day it was online and can kill us ALL with a Rifter HULL.
But he does not WANT to kill us… Oh Noes!! He wants a Directorship or at least full “take” access to ALL of our stuff. So when we log on one fine EVEning we find the POS and everything in it is GONE or destroyed because while we were all sleeping or spending our workday secure in the knowledge that all would be as it should be ingame cause we have only TRUSTWORTHY guys in our corp… he brought in his REAL corp and they looted and destroyed everything… LOLing all the while. Oh and we all get a nice ingame mail with a link to a vid on Youtoob showing the whole effin WORLD the whole thing… starting with the last one of us online that night saying ‘o7’ and a good night to our trusted friend as we logged off while he stayed up late working on something “…for the corp”.
NBDR = Not Blue Dunt Recruit…
I hate recruiting. Scares me worse than a Tengu poppin up on grid while I am in my Noctis all alone in the hole… You see, I read constantly. I read Sci-fi books, history (mainly war histories), and EVERYTHING I can find about EVE. I read “voraciously” to quote a friend when he realized that I read several books at the same time. I will have one by my bedside, one (or two) in my backpack, and usually one I carry around with me so I have something to read in those brief quiet moments waiting on whatever to start, finish, reboot, load, break, set or…
My reading as regards EVE has shown me that there is, in my mind, the distinct possibility that, moar ISK has been lost to spais and corporate intrigue than has ever been lost to PvP or any form of aggro. We are a small tight corp. We are RL friends and family. I TRUST these guys… and I have trusted them in RL with the life and safety of my children. I think I can trust them with everything I have in a game. But to trust a toon? Some char with I dunt care what stats? “Oh look, he’s a noob, only 4 weeks ingame…” Uh huh… the CHAR may be 4 weeks old… the GUY behind the keyboard may have been playing EVE since the second day it was online and can kill us ALL with a Rifter HULL.
But he does not WANT to kill us… Oh Noes!! He wants a Directorship or at least full “take” access to ALL of our stuff. So when we log on one fine EVEning we find the POS and everything in it is GONE or destroyed because while we were all sleeping or spending our workday secure in the knowledge that all would be as it should be ingame cause we have only TRUSTWORTHY guys in our corp… he brought in his REAL corp and they looted and destroyed everything… LOLing all the while. Oh and we all get a nice ingame mail with a link to a vid on Youtoob showing the whole effin WORLD the whole thing… starting with the last one of us online that night saying ‘o7’ and a good night to our trusted friend as we logged off while he stayed up late working on something “…for the corp”.
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Grand Theft Tengu(s)... |
(1) only have RL people you personally know and trust at the Director level;
(2) stay small and controllable;
(3) read: Corp Security.
We have a very good friend, a guy I have written about before (linky) who is a war griefer by trade. He is a Master of Spais and in the art of infiltrating noob corps. It is probably the primary reason he is successful. If he can get an alt in your corp, no matter at what level, he will learn about you… your real membership, primes & alts, the ships and fits you fly, how skilled you all are, both in game and in piloting skills, he will find out your locations your patterns, your playstyle… he will learn YOUR WEAKNESSES…and exploit them.
Personally I believe that Oz made a strategic error with us. He saw us as too new and too small and probably too easy a target to spend a lot of recon time on… so he started the war dec THEN had his alt request membership. While we did initially accept his alt I grew increasingly nervous about him and finally pushed for us to kick him JIC. And I was proved correct later. He did not take the time to really get to recon us well. If he had he may have then seen that though small and very new…
(1) some of us were on the right track with ship fitting and skills and that we,
(2) stay small and controllable;
(3) read: Corp Security.
We have a very good friend, a guy I have written about before (linky) who is a war griefer by trade. He is a Master of Spais and in the art of infiltrating noob corps. It is probably the primary reason he is successful. If he can get an alt in your corp, no matter at what level, he will learn about you… your real membership, primes & alts, the ships and fits you fly, how skilled you all are, both in game and in piloting skills, he will find out your locations your patterns, your playstyle… he will learn YOUR WEAKNESSES…and exploit them.
Personally I believe that Oz made a strategic error with us. He saw us as too new and too small and probably too easy a target to spend a lot of recon time on… so he started the war dec THEN had his alt request membership. While we did initially accept his alt I grew increasingly nervous about him and finally pushed for us to kick him JIC. And I was proved correct later. He did not take the time to really get to recon us well. If he had he may have then seen that though small and very new…
(1) some of us were on the right track with ship fitting and skills and that we,
(2) were RL friends who are very dedicated to each other and that we,
(3) would not ever give in to a protection racket and that we,
(4) would fight back no matter the cost...
because several of our members were (are) bloodthirsty to the point of recklessness (a sumtimes useful trait) and we also know, it’s just a game. As it turned out, the fact that we did undock and we did fight valiantly, with one of us (me) undocking TWICE and dying in a horrible fire… even though we lost, this earned us his respect and his friendship.
So you can see that recruiting from the pool of ALL EVE chars out “there”…. Freakin scares the shit outta me. I know, I know… not ALL of em are bad, heck MOST of em are exactly who they portray themselves as… it’s that unknown percentage that aren’t that spoils the whole basket of apples for me. I just CANNOT trust a toon. It is Soooo easy to lie here. Soooo easy to disinform… so easy to deceive, and the cost, in game time and effort, can be very, very real. OK, so just don’t make anyone else a Director right? Yes, there is that and we have agreed not to unless it is a RL person and it has to be a unanimous yea vote to get it in, one nay vote and it’s off the table. Plus there are ways to allow access and still provide corp security in a POS.
I Hear the Drone of Mining Lazers in the Distance…
So yes, we finally did ‘hire’ a miner… and one I, and we all, can live with. I’ll call him Vic. Vic is first off absolutely crazy… stark raving mad. The mining lazers liquefied his brain many many years ago and left, sloshing around inside his skull, a goo similar to moon goo, but a self-aware goo… we think. At least he acts self aware, most of the time… Oh, and one moar thing… Vic is a mining GOD. He has lost moar ISK and ships than my whole corp in our whole history… and still he makes moar ISK than my whole corp in our whole history. He is simply amazing. He is a guy we met many months ago while we were in DemSal Alliance. Everybody got along with Vic. We all liked him and loved chattin with him on TS… he is a real character not just a char. And I am proud to consider him a friend. =]
He had been outta the game for quite a spell but a week or so ago he logged back in and got back in touch with us and he got all caught up on current events etc. Turns out he was looking for something newish to do… he was still gonna mine, where ever he was, but he was looking for a new venue to do it in. My CEO and he got to talkin, Vic has prior WH experience and felt mebbe some time in th hole might be just th thing for ol Vic. Well HELL YES!!!! We started drooling at the wallet thinkin of the kind a rock rapin Vic could do in a WH resource site… Arkonor, Bistot, Crokite, Scordite, Veldspar… Vic knows moar about mining and refining ORE that ANY of us… and he LOVES it.
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From my Early Days… A 3 Hulk mining Op w/ Orca Support |
Now Refining Arrays in POSes are not nearly as efficient as the ones in NPC Stations throughout EVE, they are capped at 75% efficiency for all but Ice products, all Ice Products refine at 100% efficiency in POS Refineries. Go figure as there are NO ice fields in W-Space… ever. The unwritten but commonly accepted reason being that CCP wants you to “want” to do your refining in a station badly enough for you to risk transporting your ore around, thereby increasing the chance for “Player Interaction” (PvP, ganking, etc.).
We dunt care… with Vic minin for us, we will have moar than enough ore to choke the Refineries we have… in detail a 25% loss for each batch is not “efficient”… who cares when you have moar ore than you can process? And we will finally start running batches of our own ammo, our own droanes and our own ships… that, I can’t wait for. So another chapter begins for HBHI as we finally get down to business and put our POS to work for us, not as just a home, but as a tool for generating income all on its own merit.
And as for me… I get to fly CAP, Combat Air Patrol… PvP security of the mining ops (YEA!), and switch off as hauler ever now an then now that I am finally flying the Mammoth… but that’s another story… =]
Fly Safe and see you in the Sky =/|)=
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