OK, so I mined up enough ore to buy and fit another Burst
frigate... then I mined up enough moar to but about 250k ISK of skillbooks…
yup, just a measly 250,000 ISK… but, for a noob that’s enough to nail down
quite a few useful skills to L3 opening up a seemingly vast array of never
before available modules.
Lessons Learned #1 – Teach with moar emphasis on the importance of Skills, SP (Skill Points) and Skill Books. Mebbe have them start with much lower SP (say barely able to fly POD and Rookie Ship w/o mods) but have the books for the entry level (civilian etc.) skills in their hangar or ship and teach how
to use and why.
I’m mining the highest profit ore you can mine before making the
hop down to lowsec, , Golden, Silver and std Omber. Based on this chart,
Omber is as good as it gets in Hisec (please correct me on this if I am wrong as I am no miner, but keep in mind as a noob searching the web for info, this is what I found...).
With the Burst fitted with 3x Expanded Cargo Is, taking my cargo hold from a base of 260M3 up to a whopping 421.8M3, I am hauling in 702 units of Gold Omber per trip for an est. 77.50 ISK per unit for 54,400 ISK per load… (actual sale price in Osoggur ATM is 83.01 ISK for 56,816.12 ISK per load).
With the Burst fitted with 3x Expanded Cargo Is, taking my cargo hold from a base of 260M3 up to a whopping 421.8M3, I am hauling in 702 units of Gold Omber per trip for an est. 77.50 ISK per unit for 54,400 ISK per load… (actual sale price in Osoggur ATM is 83.01 ISK for 56,816.12 ISK per load).
Lesson Learned #2 – Teach about OOC (out of client) resources. Have Aura offer links (mebbe from a list of vetted sites/blogs/etc.?) to ore charts, mission/ISK making/ship/etc. guides.
Now considering an example of how much ISK L1 missions garner per my records over
three missions (see below)... IE 33,000/25,000/29,000 ISK in payouts plus 25,000/31,000/37,000
ISK in bonuses… for total income per mission of 58,000/56,000/66,000 ISK you
can see that in mining a steady 55,000/58,000 ISK take home PER full cargo bay is not too shabby… and, while a little bit riskier, Jet Canning for 30 mins then hauling ore to station for 30
mins, plus the occasional refit to kill belt rats can make for a nice steady noob
level income until you are in a position to "afford" something better...
Now before all you vets out there start yellin' and tellin' me how much I suck
at EVE, how much ISK I ‘could’ be making if I wasn't such an idiot… you have to remember, THIS
You and I know 56,000 'ISK' is not a ‘lot’ by almost anybody's standards… but consider that this is an attempt to simulate the experience of players who have:
(1) NEVER ever played EVE,
(2) have no friends already ingame to send them ISK and advise,
(3) are not immediately blood-jumping into deepest darkest null to be “showered with ISK and ships” and
(4) have not considered, are not interested in, or worse, have read all about the scams and rip-offs in EVE and are somewhat justifiably afraid of, joining a corp…
In other words this is a test to see what the game is like for those 40 to 50% of players who come into our game and try and make it as if it were a normal MMO… IE alone, solo and casually… and therefore usually fail, OK?
You and I know 56,000 'ISK' is not a ‘lot’ by almost anybody's standards… but consider that this is an attempt to simulate the experience of players who have:
(1) NEVER ever played EVE,
(2) have no friends already ingame to send them ISK and advise,
(3) are not immediately blood-jumping into deepest darkest null to be “showered with ISK and ships” and
(4) have not considered, are not interested in, or worse, have read all about the scams and rip-offs in EVE and are somewhat justifiably afraid of, joining a corp…
In other words this is a test to see what the game is like for those 40 to 50% of players who come into our game and try and make it as if it were a normal MMO… IE alone, solo and casually… and therefore usually fail, OK?
One other thing I do is I have my market set to filter by ‘station’, ‘skills’
and ‘CPU & CAP'. This helps me in 3 ways...
(1) I only 'see' those things I can actually fit and
(2) each time I cross a Skill Training Complete, I suddenly ‘see’ moar mods and stuff… woot woot! and lastly
(3) this also keeps me safe from a common nubbins mistake I too made way back when... buying something for ‘such a deal!’ and not realizing it is inna lowsec system, then paying extra for it with my first lossmail on flying out to pick it up.
The very first time I was killed ingame by a player, it was just such a death… and it was just such a book I was going to get…
(1) I only 'see' those things I can actually fit and
(2) each time I cross a Skill Training Complete, I suddenly ‘see’ moar mods and stuff… woot woot! and lastly
(3) this also keeps me safe from a common nubbins mistake I too made way back when... buying something for ‘such a deal!’ and not realizing it is inna lowsec system, then paying extra for it with my first lossmail on flying out to pick it up.
The very first time I was killed ingame by a player, it was just such a death… and it was just such a book I was going to get…
Lessons Learned #3 – Market Filters default set to filter by
‘station’, ‘skills’ and ‘CPU & CAP'… so they ONLY see those things they can
actually use and to keep them safe from Low Priced Noob Bait.
Also this time there aint all that runnin ‘round all over space to
get stuff too as I am based in 0.5 just 2 hops from Rens… but again, a vet
would know this, a noob wouldn’t…
Lessons Learned #4 - Teach about the Market hubs. Where they are, why they are, how they work, how basing close to one in the early weeks and months can save travel, be safer and help with learning the game etc. etc.
Lessons Learned #4 - Teach about the Market hubs. Where they are, why they are, how they work, how basing close to one in the early weeks and months can save travel, be safer and help with learning the game etc. etc.
So, I has a plan for now… Ima get into a Venture, mine for ISK,
buy books and skill up… and simply see how it goes. But I ‘should’ be able to
make enough ISK to afford books and such as I mine and that should allow me the
time to get to where I can start either working my way up the mission agent
tree or, what I “want” to do being as I am wormholer at heart, see what it
would be like to dive into a hole as a real noob… =]
So I am actually quite enjoying myself… sitting listening to the
drone of the mining Lazors… seeing the (very) frequent Skill Training Complete
notice pop up as I hammer down a huge number of books to L3… and knowing I have lots and lots to DO! I have no idea what the
future will bring once again, persoanlly or in EVE… but I am looking forward to it more than I have in a long
long while…
According to that ore price chart you should be mining Kernite or Plag. Go to a starter system, do the mining lessons and get a free mining frig skillbook and Venture. Skill up, get better mining lasers and modules.
ReplyDeleteActually, go to a few different starter systems and run all the lessons. You'll end up with a pile of ships and stuff that you can sell.
I'll take the advice on the ores but.... damn really?
DeleteOK to reiterate...
" Now before all you vets out there start yellin' and tellin' me how much I suck at EVE, how much ISK I ‘could’ be making if I wasn't such an idiot… you have to remember, THIS IS A DROPOUT NOOB TEST…
You and I know 56,000 'ISK' is not a ‘lot’ by almost anybody's standards… but consider that this is an attempt to simulate the experience of players who have:
(1) NEVER ever played EVE,
(2) have no friends already ingame to send them ISK and advise,
(3) are not immediately blood-jumping into deepest darkest null to be “showered with ISK and ships” and
(4) have not considered, are not interested in, or worse, have read all about the scams and rip-offs in EVE and are somewhat justifiably afraid of, joining a corp…
In other words this is a test to see what the game is like for those 40 to 50% of players who come into our game and try and make it as if it were a normal MMO… IE alone, solo and casually… and therefore usually fail, OK?"
Get it? Did you actually READ the post??? I am intentionally making decisions based on NOT EVER having played EVE, NOT having anyone to help me and trying to play as if it is a std MMO... so yea, I am making some mistakes... I want to LEARN from those mistakes and see if I can come up with suggestions to help with NPE/NPR...
Just a note: I tested and all forms of Plagioclase are upwards of 10 ISK less per unit where I am in Osoggur and for Kernite I'd need to move ops to Amarr... and dunt wanna. So for where I am in New Eden, Omber is the most lucrative ore... And it only took me 2 days of casual play to get the skills and ISK for a Venture... which I am mining in right now... =]
DeleteRight, but don't they dump you right into the starter systems already and tell you to do the training? That's the way it worked for me a couple years ago...
ReplyDeleteOf course they do and it was the same for me AND I had my sons ingame already who sent me ISK and good advise so I stuck out the Tutorials and Epic Arc and such... but I think many don't...
DeleteI am of course, still in the rookie help chan and everyday I have seen a few guys ask how to turn off Aura... Think about that... According to CCP 40 to 50% of the players who HAVE subbed, not on trials ok? but actually subscribed their accounts, 40 to 50% LEAVE inside of 2 months...
40 to 50% leave after subbing... why? That's what I am trying to work on... and some of what I am seeing is (1) players have expectations from other MMOs... and EVE is not other MMOs... and (2) some just wanna fly spaceships NOW!!... they get bored with Aura's Tutorial GRIND and they bnasically drop-out of school and try and make it on their own... and flail about and fail.
So I thought I'd try that and see how it went... and here we are... =]
Anon 8:44, I should add this... You advise IS appreciated... I wish you could offer it to guys who are playing the way I am pretending to...
ReplyDeleteThose new players who are not blogging and are not joining corps and are not asking for help... that 40 to 50% who come to EVE, are blown away by the graphics and potential enough to actually subscribe for at least the first month... then, over time, they get fed up by the skill and/or ISK grind or griefed out by the players or just lose interest when they realize that its actually gonna be months or even years before they can pilot a Titan inna fight like B-R...
Thank you for your advise... but the point I am trying to make is we need to understand what they (the 40 to 50% of noobs who still drop out AFTER they sub) might be going through so we can find a way to help them through those critical first months... until they realize there is more to EVE than just a blinged out Navy Raven...
Thank again.
Glad to see you at least upgraded to a venture.
ReplyDeleteWhen I started out I didn't want to mine so I started by running missions and the missions rewards scale so there is reason to upgrade from 1 to lvl 2, 3 and then level 4 mission as fast as possible.
This in turn drove me to upgrade from frigate > destroyer > cruiser > battlecruiser > battleship as fast as I could grind the isk together to sit in the hull because bigger ships allowed me to run higher level missions that gave exponentially more reward.
Took me another three years before I went back and finished training those frigate skills.
Yuppers... lookin at it from a noob perspective, I think the Venture was the best noob idea CCP has had in a long while. Back in the day Mining frigates were just painful due to cargo capacity... the ISK per our was never worth the effort and skilling into a barge did not happen quickly enough.
DeleteBut with the Venture, the ISK per hour (again from a noobs-eye view ok?) is not too shabby... mining Golden Omber inna .5 system I am averaging +/- 1m ISK per trip... and I can tank the rats AND 2 my Hobgob 1s can keel them too. Just got Salvager 1 skilled up and fitted yesterday and that can add from 'whatever' to upwards of 500k ISK in S&L...
So, the plan going ahead, if "I" was a real noob, I feel I would have (for fun) decided to make the "Prospect" my "goal ship"... cause from day one I was drawn to 'cloaky' things and as mining is currently working out for me, mebbe mining in lowsec might be worth a try huh?... so that's what I'm working up to now. =]
I initially tried mining as a noob, and once I got a grip on the ISK per hour, I dropped that idea fast and started running missions too, and just like you I was on that frigate > destroyer > cruiser > battlecruiser > battleship as fast as I could make the ISK and I too had to go back and finish the frig skills... But now mining is actually (again from a noobs-eye view) lucrative. I keep an eye on the 'Rookie Help' chan and have seen a number of experienced players and noobs talking about this.