Saturday, September 14, 2024

Home Sweet Home... at Last.

~or “Living the Virtual Dream.”

If you only knew how long I have wanted THIS...

Star Citizen Alpha Patch V3.34.0 dropped Aug 28th 2024...

Cargo Empires”.  THIS... IS... HUGE.

Caveat Investor:

Star Citizen IS IN  ALPHA. It is a game that is currently UNDER DEVELOPMENT and HAS BUGS and GLITCHES that CAN and DO NEGATIVELY IMPACT game play.

When you "buy" a "Game Package" for Star Citizen, you are NOT making a "retail purchase", you are "pledging".

ie you are giving CIG money as "Unsecured Investment Capitol" in a "High Risk Software Game Development Project".

You MUST understand and accept this before you spend/pledge/invest one red cent. The Game has been in Active Development since 2012 and is NOT COMPLETED... yet (TM).  =]


Back to our Irregularly Unscheduled Meandering Stream-of-Consciousness...

Seriously, it is MASSIVE. Persistence... your “Stuff” persisting...
A place in the verse all your own... a place to keep your ships and stuff...  A Home. A REAL GORRAM HOME.

In EVE Online we had our POS (a “Player Owner Station”, I preferred to call it a Planetary Orbital Station). Our home in EVE, our home in Anoikis, negative sec, wormhole space.

We had to anchor it, build it, feed it, care for it, defend it. Stored inside it's 30 kilometer wide Force Field Bubble was everything we held dear. Our factories, our refineries, our ship bays, defensive modules and ALL the ships and gear and loot we had with us in th' hole... and most important of all, the “Spike” itself, the Large Minmatar Control Tower in which we lived.

Yes, we also had NPC Stations in Hisec where we could keep our spare gear, backup fleets and “stuff”, and for now in SC this, what you see above, is just exactly that. A Persistent Personal Hangar Bay on a planet's surface, inside the local NPC Spaceport, this is the first iteration of true persistence after all but... I have a dream... a dream that one day I will have something similar to our Home “Serenity Station” back in EVE...

But for now, I'll take my NPC dirt-side safe-as-houses Personal Hangar Bay... yer gorrram right I will!!

A few creature comforts... My “Hangar Hangout”   =]

...with one helluva view!!

When the Spaceport assigns you your permanent hangar, it is based on the largest ship you own. My biggest ship is a Constellation Andromeda, so I have a Medium Hangar.

Also, you no longer have to call up a ship in order to know where to go. You just go straight to the elevators passing right by the public AESOP Terminals... and this (below) is the ONLY button available to you. I don't know if that's because I have vehicles and ships out in my Hangar... but I don't plan on ever storing the vehicles at least, so I guess I'll find out when there's a glitch or a wipe!

“Turamarth's Medium Hangar”...  No sweeter words to me in a game.

So a few nights ago I logged in and... I, well obviously, first pulled out some furniture, the Salvaged Skull couch and chair, some snacks and drinks and a Pico of course... and I setup my “Hangar Hangout” as seen above.

Then I pulled out ALL 12 of my “vehicles” (Hover and Wheeled) and parked them all around the Hangar. You see if I decide to run some FedUps (FedX/UPS style box delivery contracts) or well, anything at all... I no longer have to (1) pull out a ship then (2) fly to a planetside location in order to pull out a vehicle to load it up.

Now I can just order up say, my Corsair, and once the elevator is up, I can just pick and choose whatever vehicle I want to use, walk over and drive it right up the ramp easy peasy...  THIS is livin' the GOOD life!

Hard to imagine that there are 12 vehicles tucked away around this hangar bay...

(1) Greycat & (2) Mule parked to the left of the AESOP Terminals...

(3) STV parked in Drone Repair...

(4) NURSA 'round the corner right of the Elevators...  First Aid anyone?

(5) Dragonfly and (6) Fury LX to the left...

(7) MPUV Cargo across the bay on the left...

(8) Fury and (9) Fury MX across the bay on the right...

in my Hangar Hangout, (10) Hoverquad, (11) X1, and (12) Pulse

That's 12... but there are 14 total “vehicles” present and persistent in my Hangar. I have my Connie Andromeda sittin' pretty right on the landing elevator... 
with it's sweet little snub fighter, the P-52 Merlin docked snug in her stern!

My (13) Constellation Andromeda with...

Last but not least... (14!) P-52 Merlin Snub Fighter docked to my Connie!

I have logged off and back on multiple times in the last several days...  and EVERYTHING, all 12 VEHICLES and 2 SHIPS plus furniture AND packs of Beef Nuggets, Vestal Water an empty coffee cup AND a Pico...

ALL are still present and accounted for!  I have a HOME in SC at last.

Fly safe, Live like it's REAL... and maybe I'll see you in my sky!