Sunday, December 29, 2013

It's All About the ISK, Cause I Can't Spend the Tears…

~or, “What If NPCs Could Cry?"

I do not label myself a carebear, yet I do not think of myself as a griefer either. The way I play EvE is based on actually making it in the game, because EvE is to me, a virtuality… a virtual REALITY and I want to live and experience it as a alternate reality… I don’t want to cheat by buying wealth (buying and selling PLEX) I want to make my way, and pay my way with the ISK I earn in game.

Now making ISK in EvE is not ‘easy’. EvE is, as we all know, a Reward equals Risk game. In Hisec PvE the risk is low and the ISK is shit, however put together a gang and gank a fat loaded Freighter and Hisec PvP can give you a shot at a real payday… but you have to cover the losses you WILL take and recover the loot before the vultures snag it… risky.

I found my way into Anoikis early in my Evelife, Negative Security space, negsec… the highest risk for the highest rewards (for smaller groups) than even nullsec. The PvE is very risky and I also greatly enjoy being a Mercenary, PvPing for ISK and being a Merc fits my personal Moral Code. In Anoikis I was finally making enough ISK to support getting really involved in PvP and I had found my Modus Operandi, one which allowed me to PvP without qualms… as I like to say, “I’m just doing a job. You did something to cause me to be here, look to yourself for the reasons why.

So… I am not a carebear at heart, as I first said it a few years ago, I consider myself a Carebadger, an EvE player who wants to make enough ISK fast enough to afford to PvP in something other than cheap T1 frigs and cruisers… I like faction fit T3s, Oracles and HICtors… I like living Anoikis and I like living in a POS (yes, I actually LIKE it… oh I do wish we could dock and shit… mebbe one day) and living inna POS in Anoikis can be a logistical nightmare… and a costly one.

I my time I have tried many forms of PvP, some for the experience, some just for fun and some for the ISK...
-I once joined a WarDec corp (run by a Hisec Noob WarDec'er), I got one fight to a (personal) draw while my 2 corpmates got a WarTarget kill;
-I joined RvB for a while... fun at first, but that's moar mutual masturbation than PvP really;
-I have joined in many late-night-after-the-Op-is-done lowsec roams… some funish, some not so much;
-I fleeted up with Allies once (and only once) to gank a freighter in Lowsec, but, well... simply amazing fail was had that night;
-I have fleeted up to kill-all-the-who-ever-I-am-PAID-to-kill... This I would do again in a heartbeat… for ISK and glory;

Ganking just seemed stoopid to me, even if we had won; War Deccing was boring, and TBH felt dirty; the roams were never really fulfilling, same as RvB… but Merc Ops and cloaky hot drops in Anoikis are the life for me! Merc Ops cause you’re getting paid and Anoikis Hot Drops are simply not the same as Hisec ganks at all… it’s Anoikis, wormhole space, negative sec… If you jump the crazy marble you accept that you are risking it all, and I am one of the reasons you are.

The thing for me is, I hate, morally, the idea of virtually destroying another person's virtual stuff without a reason (IE rationalization) I can live with… one that fits my moral compass.

In a recent post, “The Corruption of Ideals” by Sugar Kyle of “Low Sec Lifestyle”, Sugar opines about Killing-all-the-things in EvE, the morality of PvP in our very weird and unique sandbox. She talks about how morals, values, focus, reason and goals are all lacking in the basic structure of EvE… How the game sets no path or overreaching quest for you, how nothing shapes these but we ourselves. In this post Kaeda Maxwell, the Wild Rose of Molden Heath, commented and the post and comment stirred the electrons in my grey matter…

*** NOTE ***
The following is in no way personal nor is it a slam against Kaeda or even on grifers/griefing as a playstyle... It is just a discourse on my thoughts and feelings on griefing as a playstyle in EvE...

Kaeda said, "I take viscous (real) delight in griefing (in the knowledge it is only a game and I'm not causing any real damage)." When I hear/read this I always ask myself, where does this delight in ‘not really’ destroying these ‘not real’ things come from? What is the basis? Where is the enjoyment? How is this fulfilling, what makes it "fun"?

This is my moral line-in-the-sand. I have read so much from so many who enjoy griefing, and it all leads me to believe strongly that most, if not all, do it because they enjoy the ‘upset’ this causes other players. They see this upset as childish because to the griefer it is really ‘only’ a game and nothing more... The rationalization they justify their actions against other players by is that as it wasn’t a ‘real’ loss of a ‘real’ thing then the other player is being juvenile for being upset about it and that in turn justifies their playstyle...

I believe, deep down, that if NO ONE ever got upset... griefing would be far less fun than it is for all who play that game. The ‘real’ enjoyment griefers get is over the very ‘real’ upset (“tears”) they cause another ‘real’ person whom they can then justify looking down on because “it’s just a game”… Well, IRL people get murdered over poker, a gods damned card game, and for far less RW dollars than some of the ‘cost of doing business’ in EVE. They say “It’s only a game”, “It’s not real” and “I’m not causing any real damage.”… Really?

SYJ has been paid many times to raid and kill… we got paid billions of ISK (in loot n ships) to take down TLC’s “Office” wormhole… 3 Lrg POSes destroyed, a massive crap load of Capitols, BPO&Cs/mods/ships.etc/etc/etc stolen or destroyed… with an approximate value of 517,000,000,000.00 ISK… and because there is a direct RW USD to ISK ratio thanx to PLEX, that equates to a RW value of $19,460.00 that was ‘not really’ destroyed and ‘not really’ stolen… Yea… it’s only a game… but it can be a damned expensive game to lose at. I wrote up a post about that Merc Op in which I even discuss my moral qualms over the fact that we were paid by a traitor in TLC to do the job…

But it’s the other aspect, the outright disregard for another human beings feelings, that is why ganking and griefing has never sat well with me. Yes they can get just as upset and 'hurt' due to my actions as a Merc, but that is not ‘why’ I do what I do and it is the part I get no enjoyment from at all.

To enjoy that aspect of an open sandbox PvP/E game, you have to have absolutely no empathy at all for the players you target... no empathy for other people. Kaeda said also, “I no longer recall ‘the faces’ of my in game victims, I used to... But they have become faceless ghosts behind keyboards…” I don’t know about you, but I am not a faceless ghost… and the thought that there are so many out there who see anyone they don’t know personally as such does not sit well with me.

No matter how much EvE Online is a game, the players, each and every one, are real people, with real feelings and they are each as different in game as they are in the street, at the office and at home.

Just because someone is different from you, just because they invest more of their ‘feelings’ into the game than you do... to me, this does not justify or provide an acceptable rationalization for enjoying hurting them emotionally just because you 'can'…

And don’t say it is ‘just about blowing up ships’… cause it aint JUST about blowing up pictures of internet spaceships, otherwise griefers would fukkin LOVE PvE… but they don’t do they? Nope... NPC's don't cry. The truth is, in the end it is not about unreal pixelships or virtual explosions… It is about the very real emotional reactions griefers have to the very real emotional reactions of the very real people they grief against.

EvE is not harsh and hard, EvE is what we the players make it… we are the reason EvE is harsh and hard and dangerous and full of everything-going-pear-shaped risk... and I may even be one of those reasons on occasion, but it aint ever for the tears... for me, it’s all about the ISK.

Fly Wreckless and see you in the Sky  =/|)=

Monday, December 23, 2013

How Do You EVE?

In response to Kane Rizzel's "How do you EvE?"... and Raziel Walker's response to same...

Others who have shared their setups:
How Evehermit does it...
How Noob does it...

This is just a silly but potentially interesting quickie... I'm still here, just, you know got some RL>EVE n shit goin on... will write an update soon.

The above links show how Raziel and Kane play EvE. Here is how I do it... This is in my Pub (I married a Brit so a 'Bar' is the thing behind me one sets one's pint, or in my case a Cuba Libre, on and leans against whence pontificating... and a 'Pub' is the place where the bar is...)(anyhoo)...

This is my view of EvE... Triple screens; 22" Main on the left, 17" Secondary on the right and the 50" Distraction up center there on the hearth...

My system is a maxed out nothing-special-here HP sittin onna lapdesk as my ass, gravity and multiple Cuba Libre's work together to slowly conform my "spot" to perfection on the new sectional...  ahhh...  =]

So.... How do YOU EvE?

Fly wreckless and see you in the Sky... =/|)=

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Tug of War...

Just a funny from tonight's mission running...

The Directors of HBHI are met in the Real once again and for the last time for at least a year. For a weekend of fun and family, and some flying of the Deadly Skies of EVE.

As I type this up on one screen, on the other screen I am piloting my Noctis to Jita to sell off the L&S I have collected from this evenings missioning for the Sisters.

Tonight was the first time I had tried the new Mobile Tractor Unit, MTU... or Noctis killer as I see it. It's not a big deal really, but the old Noctis holds a special place in my heart, always has. I get the idea behind the MTU, I just always liked the idea of a guy having to actually DO his own Lewt & Slavaging... having some automated unit do it for you is... well, it's a hell of a lot like botting.

All botting really is is automating a task or tasks you see as tedious to free you to focus you active game play on the stuff you don't find tedious.

RMTer's run automated programs that mine ore in EvE, because they don't care to actually play EvE, they just wanna make ore and ISK for RMT. Mission botters run automated programs that fly their ships in PvE for the same reasons. Now we have CCP making us automated programs that do tasks we see as tedious... such as running a Noctis. So we have a CCP made bot, a structure that tractors and loots all our wrecks into a nice pile for us to salvage and simply grab the lewtz... meh.

Haven't been really interested in em until Strigon says from the bar that he is running one in his missions. So I figure I am playing solo, and I assume that was the target player for this mod, so I buy a few to try out. I anchor one and find it is wayyy too slow. I am running L4s solo inna HAMgu.

I finish the first site and pop back one hop to get my Noctis, now refitted with x8 Salver IIs, and when I land on the first wreckball... I have to wait for approx half the wrecks to be tractored into range of my Salvers... Hmmm, that really isn't optimal or even workable. OK, I read up and it seems you can anchor more than one so on the next site I drop two 5km apart and as we have company over, a fire in the fireplace, drinks, good food and my sons are home, I start running the site pretty much forgetting the MTUs. I AFK the site checking only occasionally to re-target and re-tap F1...

The site is dam near done when I notice there are like only 5 or so wrecks near the MTUs... WTF?? I watch and notice a single wreck is moving... it stops near one MTU only to be grabbed by the other and tractored over to it, only to be grabbed by the first and tractored back, only to be grabbed by the second and tractored back, only to be grabbed by the first and tractored back...  OH FUKKIN PLEASE!!!!  LOL

CCP can't even do bots right...too funny.

With these bots we all will Fly Wreckless... See you in the sky! =/|)=

PS... just to put-it-out-there as twere, a EvE Meetup in planned out our way for tomorrow night...  just saying...  =]

Dogfish Head Alehouse
Falls Church, VA

Thursday, November 21, 2013

ISIS, ISIS on the Wall…

“I Just Can’t Fly That Shit at All…”

Have you opened ISIS yet? Do so now, for some, many I feel, it may be a bit of an eye opener.

I really, REALLY like the interface… I am a draftsman by education (when I was in college CAD was so new we were saving our file on floppies… 5.25” floppies).  From that standpoint I find the layout is very pleasing, what wasn’t was my rankings. Turns out I am all L5s on only a few ships… What surprised me was which ones.

Freighters…  sheesh. Turns out I am all L5 on the Fenrir, Providence, Charon and the Obelisk. The part that really sux is… I have never even sat in, much less owned, one of these. I can fly most of the ships of each race. Almost all the Matarii ships, three quarters or more of Caldari and Amarr and about half the Gallente. I am pleased some are at L4, but not as many as I had hoped.

The number of certifications required for Freighter mastery is minimal, Armor Reinforcement, Shield Reinforcement & Navigation Support.

In two days on the 23rd I will have been flying the deadly skies of EvE for three years. I have 46m SP and I have spent almost two and a half years of that time in Anoikis from C1 to C6, living out of a POS.

I joined EvE at the tail end of Tyrannis, Incursion dropped very shortly after. I grew up in Incursion and have lived through Incarna, Crucible, Inferno and now I have crossed the Rubicon… Hopefully, and with the help of ISIS, Tur will finally Master of some ships he actually OWNS before the Summer 2014 Expansion hits.

It’s been a great three years and I am looking forward to the next three…

Fly wreckless and see you in the Sky  =/|)=

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

CARBON™ Chauvinism…

~Adapt or TiDie…

Aren’t we just sooooo LUCKY we live in the “Goldilocks Zone”? Just the right distance from the Sun… not too close, not too far… jussssst right! oh really?

Ripard said “In order to survive in 0.0, you have to learn, develop, and practice a whole skill-set around managing deficiencies in the so-called "game" you are playing.

And yes, my blogging of late has sorta become all knee jerk reactions to stuff Jester (AKA Ripard Teg, CSM8) posts over on his blog Jester’s Trek… But I am not really ‘playing’ much as RL still has a firm grip on the short hairs as twere… but I am keeping up with the blogshere and Ripard tends to delve into topics that moar oft than not cause said knee jerk reactions in my brain… thence causing :words: to pour from my fingers… and as I still like writing about EvE, here we are.

Just FYI for them as what cares… I got on a KILLMAIL this past Saturday!!!  First one in what, 4 months or moar… and then, of course, I died, was podded and ended up wakin up in SYJ’s NPC Null base… yuch. I had done fergot to reset my Med Clone back to Empire… then I missclicked and accidentally jumped (swapped) clones in the same effin Null station when trying to blood jump back to Empire and hadda wait out the 18.5 hr timer (Yea clone skills!) until late Sunday night… oh well, I whored a KM and made two… creating content for those around me in the verse (and I had some fun and lost my Gnosis too…) now back to our irregularly unscheduled programming…

I have issues with the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ thing. The basic idea has a very strong carbon based bias… a sorta carbon chauvinism. A race evolved on the dwarf planet Pluto (and if one had/has/could arise there (and might not THAT stick a wrench in the moon/planet debate… I mean, who wants to have evolved on a moon?) or one evolved on say Saturn’s moon, Titan (a moon that is most definitely NOT in the Sun’s Goldilocks Zone yet has strong evidence of surface water in a liquid state, a prime ingredient in what we call ‘life’)… these races would definitely not define their Goldizooks Zone near the same way we do even if they too be carbon based in their chemistry.

I strongly feel, as is stated in the wiki on carbon chauvinism, that this limits us. It limits our imaginations as to what constitutes ‘life’ and that means we run the risk of not recognizing other forms of life as ‘life’… this could have serious repercussions in mankind’s future if we ever DO actually get off this one lone rock and GO out there, “where dragons be”…

“Why, Tur, are you going on about this and WTF should I care?” doth you ask, (and if you dint, you should have and I’m gonna assume you did so…) glad you asked I am, and tell ya I will… I see CARBON chauvinism taking place in EvE.

“How does ‘carbon chauvinism’ equate with whateverthehell ‘CARBON™ chauvinism’ is?” you ask of me… (curious one aren’t ya?) OK, 

Carbon chauvinism states that there is only one kind of life 'possible' IRL...

CARBON chauvinism states that there is only one 'acceptable' way of life possible IVL... (and we'll argue about it until the End of Time, or we go into permanent downtime, whichever comes first.)

I define ‘CARBON chauvinism’ as:
A neoturlogism meant to disparage the assumption that the CARBON Coded Mechanics of virtual life in New Eden (EVE Online) are as they are and should be, e.g. as designed by their creators, but instead must be rewritten, edited, changed and iterated upon by the creators for the edification and benefit of the most vocal members of the playerbase.

Because those particular players are whiney, needy, entitled, self-indulgent, juvenile and LOUD… and ‘they’ want EVE Online to be the way they want it and they want it NOW.

Gankers want a Gankers Paradise… War Deccers want War to be FREE… Nullseccers want ALL OF SPACE to conquer… Industrialists want taxes outlawed and Invulnerable Transports… Losec pirates want CONCORD removed… and Griefers want to be able to attack anyone anytime anywhere at zero cost… (because everyone knows noobs and pubbies DESERVE it and the game would be far better off if they quit, right?)…

Jester pegged it… managing deficiencies…
What did he mean by ‘managing deficiencies’? He was referring to the ships/fits/fleets/tactics and strategies one uses within the bounds/limits/constraints/rules/laws and mechanics of EVE Online. How one Manages (works/plans) around the Deficiencies… around the ‘Deficiencies’… now here’s where things get sticky. What makes up Deficiencies in the Mechanics of EVE Online is a highly subjective subject… What is the definition of ‘deficient’ anyway?

Merriam-Webster Online: Deficient
de·fi·cient - adjective \di-ˈfi-shÉ™nt\ : not having enough of something that is important or necessary
1:  not good enough, not as good as “x”.
2:  lacking in some necessary quality or element <deficient in judgment>
3:  not up to a normal standard or complement:  defective <deficient strength>

As with most things in life, real or virtual, the definition of “(not) enough of”, “(not) good enough”, “(not) as good as”, “(not) lacking”, “(not) up to standards” are all highly subjective assessments and definitions. A Griefer’s Deficiency is a Carebear’s Sufficiency, and vice versa…

A Max Stabbed Cloaky Nano Blockade Runner with unscannable cargo hold is, to a Carebear, “adequate” while Gankers cry “UNFAIR!”…

A Cloaky Cyno CovOps sittin quietly in local is, to a nullsec PvPer, “working as intended” while Nullsec Industrialists scream “UNFAIR!!”…

The 2000 man fleet Bridging in on your 500 man POS bash fleet and crashing the server “saving” the Titan you had just bumped out of the POS shields is “UNFAIR!!!”…

The 100 man sniper gate camp sitting 100km out from a densely bubble caged gate slaughtering the 1000 plus Hisecers who came for a CCP Sponsored Live Event is “UNFAIR!!!!”…

IE before Time Dilation (TiDi), ‘Lag’ or server overload issues such as black screens, client crashes, server crashes, etc. created by large fleets of players in one system (on one node) limited the sizes of workable effective fleets and fleet fights… This caused CCP’s ‘War on Lag’ which ended up with the stop-gap of TiDi being rolled out. With TiDi we are now able to field fleets approx. twice the size of pre-TiDi fleets and still have (barely) workable fleets and fleet fights, granted s-l-o-w-l-y, but ‘slow but up’ is a far cry better than the ‘down and petitioning’ of a server crash on contact. Frustrating yes… but unplayable? Seems like most of those who get involved in these now HUGE fights and events stay even after things go to shit TiDiwise…

So back when managing deficiencies meant dealing with/coping with/planning for the (based on your gameplay perception of) ‘reality’ at that time, IE the virtuality of New Eden’s Laws of Physics/Mechanics of EVE… well TiDi changed those Laws of Physics/Mechanics, so now managing deficiencies meant dealing with/coping with/planning for the changed (improved?) Laws of Physics/Mechanics.

One of the things I love most about EvE is that it IS a virtuality… a virtual life… and you know what?

Life is hard.

IRL the MOST one can do is slaughter sheep and goats by the herdful, paint your arse red then genuflect, dance and pray to whatever pantheon of deities you dream up… but the Laws of RL Physics just keeps them apples a fallin, birds a flyin and worlds a turnin… God (singular or in committee) dunt rewrite his code for no man…

But in New Eden we dunt pray to our gods do we?… we email em! And when we do we rant and bich and cuss and moan and demand and complain and whine and cry like self-absorbed children… and they listen… and then, very often, they actually DO change the Laws of Mechanics in this virtual verse we share… based on the ‘prayers’ of the loudest (and largest income source?) group…

Now I don’t mean new ship hulls, or modules or even changes to the EHP/DPS/range/speed et al of a line of ships or even new anchorable structures… oh no, I am talking about basic CHANGES to the Way the World Works… And so the tactics and strategies one uses within the NEW & IMPROVED Mechanics of EVE Online change. And we have to adapt or die… and guaranteed many of us will post and forumwhine to the Gods on High… well, the ones far to the north at least.

IRL we rail against the vagaries of life… we shake our fists a the sky when the earth shakes and opens up and swallows our homes, we beat our breasts and curse the gods when tornadoes spin down from heaven and trash our trailerparks… but in New Eden, we curse CCP when Nullsec Tornadoes trash a fleet of noobs and Hisecc PvEers…

I am not an old MMO gamer (I’m OLD and I’m a gamer ok?, just not an OLD MMO gamer…) I have however played FPS’s since Commander Keen and setup and ran Doom Servers for small and large groups… but I never once asked ID Software to change the Mechanics of the Doom ‘verse… I accepted that up was up and down was down and that you could stand on someone’s head and they would never know you were there unless they looked up… (and when you killed em by whacking them in the head with an axe it was hilarious!)…

I have personally never played any game before EVE where the Devs would CHANGE the Mechanics of the game simply because the players bitched… and TBH, I am not really sure they should… CCP needs to remember, you can’t please everyone, and trying to do so will only do two things… piss off everyone and leave them beholden to them as are paying the most… and that aint the majority of EvE players. Right now it’s a few large groups that came from outside of the game and they have NO allegiance or care for the rest of us… the majority of us… at all.

CCP has chosen a path in game development that puts them in a situation where they could pay dearly if they don’t listen to those who pray the loudest, and tithe the most…wonder what the gods make of that?

Personally, I’m glad God doesn’t have an email address… imagine the RW if he ran things the way CCP does.

Fly Wreckless and see you in the Sky  =/|)=

Monday, November 4, 2013

Being BAD in Space...

~or "I don't Suck at EvE! I'm Just PvP Challenged..."

Once again I find fertile fodder in the words of the estimable Jester... though, this time, they are actually the words of his corpmate, Cassius Longinus, CEO of Stimulus corp in Rote Kapelle.

Ripard's post, "Being good in space"is a repost of a Rote forum post by Cassius on Fleet PvP philosophy and mindset and as Cassius says, it's about Attention in Fleet.. It is a very good post. It also made me to ask a question I have oft asked myself ever since I first locked and fired on a live player for the first time in EvE...

"Why do I suck at PvP?"

Read the post, it's really good... but it makes some assumptions about the capabilities of players. Ima take it point by point...

First he touches on 3 basic points...

(1) "having skillpoints to be useful"
(2) "being staged for all eventualities"
(3) "not fitting your ships like a shit-lord"

(1) Skillpoints...
SP is a time and choice thing. New players aren't gonna have high skillpoints regardless of what they choose to skill on, its time based. If you focus skill, a very narrow path to get to say, Logi 5, then you can have overall low SP and yet still be a Logi 5... or if like so many like me, you have dabbled here and there in your early months and years, your skills can be a bit all over the place as you tried different things and end up with fairly high overall SP but nothing really all L5ed...

So much of SP is about choice. I bumbled around a bit at first just working my way up the ship tree until I found a love of the Noctis and salvaging. I felt I could really contribute in a way that was sorta leet and soloish, both of which I like and yet be of real value to my corp and fleet mates. We ran L4's missions and I nom nomed up the L&S behind the DPS fleet adding value to our joint ops and adding ISK to our wallets.

Then we found wormholes... and I skilled up for ships n fits as necessary for life in Anoikis and my skilling changed. Finally, after we joined SYJ, I found I still wanted to play a 'small but important' role and so began skilling into logi and support roles such as dictor and Ewar, and so my skilling changed again...

Tur will break 45m SP before I turn 3 this Thanksgiving... but my skills are all over the place. Unless you buy a focus preskilled toon (which is allowed and such but I personally consider it cheating yourself out of the full experience of what EvE can be and treating it like nothing more than 'just' a game... but that's just me) or join Gewns and do the whole Bloodjump into deepest Null when you undock your toon for the very first time thing... (where you are 'given' a Skill-Q cheat sheet along with free ISK and ships) then you are probably somewhat like me in that your skills are a bit like the transcript of a college student who has changed majors 3 or 4 times.

(2) Staging...
I can only assume he means having enough and the right types of ships located in or near the corp/Alliance most usual AOs (Areas of Operation, IE home system and any usually roamed systems & constellations etc.) This is driven solely by ISK as is so much of EvE... makeada ISKies you canna buya da ships... don't and you can't... 'nough said.

(3) Fits...
What can I say here? He specifically states "not fitting your ships like a shit-lord"... I have written my take on this in my post "Failfits N Winfits..." where I discuss fitting in EvE. A topic that many consider themselves expert and leet in and who will hound and troll any who dunt blindly follow their fitting strategies and freely-driven-down-your-throat advise.

This is different in fleet. There are comps (ship types n fits) that are far far better than any 'ol kitchen sink, because the FC will be better able to utilize the ships under his command by knowing their capabilities based on carefully theorycrafted doctrine fits.

But fitting is intentionally a contentious and highly debated subject in EvE because of the very large number of mods and possible fits for each ship type. So 'shit-lord' fits are any non-doctrine fits in fleet (that don't work as intended) and any fits your FC/leadership and corp/Alliance mates disagree with... no matter what they may have died in when they were new/younger or experimenting...

Then he discusses 5 main points...

1. Listen to the FC.
2. Be good at Combat Meta.
3. Proper Range Management.
4. Grid Assessment/Situational Awareness, generally.
5. Hostile Fleet/Ship assessment.

1. Listen up...
This I could not agree with moar. Do as yer told, period. This I try to do. If we work as the fingers of two hands, a good FC can make us into his tools to grab and smash our opponents... if we act individually then it is like the fleet is retarded, has palsy and all we do is die.

2. Meta me this...
This I could not agree with moar also... just nowhere near as good at it as I'd like. I have had days where I was able to report needed info in that calm cool James T. style... but I've had far moar where Panic made it hard to do the 'Once and Calm' thing. A lot of the panic comes from things like his next part...

Understand Damage Types.
I'm shooting at X;
What ammo do I use?
What are Xs normal resist holes?
Has he plugged his holes or not?

Understand combat ranges.
I'm in X ganking X;
Do I engage with X ammo type @ long range, or X ammo type @ close ammo range?

Hostile X sitting on gate with fleet at zero;
How do we INSTANTLY split fleet to grab him?


This is an area where things really break down for me. The sheer amount of shit one needs to know and actively think about is staggering. Look at that list, and it is by no means complete or exhaustive... and he left out FLYING your own ship for one thing... This is where I, and I am betting a lot of the PvP Challenged, panic.

3. Hold fire until...
This is vital and I am getting better at it... "...knowing ahead of time.." whether you are part of a brawling or kiting fleet is something I am getting better at as I learn to immediately recognize what ships are normally fitted for those roles.

What would be cool (Ripard the All Knowing, hint hint) would be a Chart showing the ships of EvE 'by role' with a basic T1 fit and an advanced T2 fit... now THAT would be cool and really helpful for ALL of us but especially for noobs and the PvP Challenged.

4. Where did they come from?...
This, for many, is really difficult. Situational Awareness moar than any other aspect of PvP in EvE takes a really calm levelheaded focus AND the ability to really 'see' the whole battlespace and understand the gestalt of what is happening, not just your little lazor beam and missile infested section...

Things like zoom level, do you fly with the tactical overlay on or off, do you focus on your ship or on the ship you are engaged on or on your local AO or on the whole battlespace... Add in listening to the FC and perceiving whether or not  is 'seeing' a change in the battlespace.

Then, understanding if you are the guy who should be calling it out or not. Voice comms cannot be shitted up by everyone talking all at once. Usually, the FC and a few guys, trusted players, are the ones who control voice comms. The guys who fly scout and any ancillary unit leaders, the guy FCing the Logi group usually, have priority. The rank n file are expected to listen primarily but are are also expected to interject 'relevant intel' relayed in the proper manner if it is being missed by command.

Ripard has a very good "Guide: PvP  Voice Communications" guide... WELL worth a read and an occasional re-read."

5. Know Thy Enemy...
This is damn near impossible for the PvP Challenged. Putting all the above together... He says (paraphrased)...

"If you hear 'X-fleet'... you should know ranges, DPS, tanks, resist holes... get a logi count... guesstimate how much they can tank... if an Archon comes on field, whether you can break it or not. The FC should have advised what the comp and rough DPS is..." and " should be following scout/FC commentary, understanding FCs decisons."

He sums up with... "The bottom line is that if you aren't getting A's on all those report cards, then you should not be complacent." 

A's hell... Complacent hell... I'd give anything to just be able to fly my ship well, contribute in fleet and not make stoopid mistakes. I shouldn't be afraid to fly... I shouldn't be worried about trying and learning. Everyone knows EvE is harsh and hard... but it's players can be far far harsher and harder than even the cold cold airless black.

It's the sheer overload of amount of data that NEEDS to be taken in, processed and that decisions MUST be made ON that causes Panic... That feeling of not understanding just What The Hell is going on that causes the Fight reflex to switch to the Flight reflex... I don't know the answer to the Info Overload I go through. But I'd bet my last red ISKie that's the same problem we... the PvP Challenged of EvE face most.

That is our Challenge.

Fly wreakless and see you in the Sky...  =/|)=

Thursday, October 31, 2013

It's MURDER Out There...

~or I'd KILL for Something Fun to DO...

Jester wrote up how he ran a site recently... first one he says he has run in a long time... and he was overall dissapointed. Well, I know the feeling. Tur is currently doing solo time in Amarr...

SYJ has deployed to NPC Null, which as those of you who know me know is something I will only consider doing the day that is the ONLY place left to fly in EvE... and on that day I will have to face the very real possibility of giving up EvE.

Which, personally, is where I feel CCP Seagull eventually wants to take us. The fall of the (stagnant uninteresting NPC) Empires to a day when ALL of New Eden is ruled by Empyreans... IE Null from corner to corner. My ONLY hope is that Anokis will remain a bastion of freedom for those who aren't willing to cow tow to the Man... as 'he' said, "...never have to be under the heel of nobody ever again. No matter how long the arm of the Alliance(s) might get... we'll just get ourselves a little further."

So, SYJ is in Null and HBHI kinda hit a few RL rocks in the road. We're a really small corp and the majority of us have simply not been on much at all... A few went to null w/ SYJ, a few dint... I even lost damn near a whole (!gasp!) month of SKILLING due to not loggin on enough to even play Skill-Q Online.

Anyway... I have been loggin in a bit more lately... it's just, there's nothing to DO. I have been soloing L3s in a .5 near Amarr ...  well, I have been waffle stomping L3s inna .5 near Amarr actually. Inna active shield HAMgu it is like running L1's inna Typhoon... Target, Orbit, F1, F2, read blogs... it is more time murdering than killing.

And among the long list of Worse Parts of Missioning is the ISK really and truly sucks. I made 1.8m ISK for the last site I ran...  "If" I L&S, which I dunt, call it 3m ISK per site avg... so a nights play might net me something on the order of 10m ISK for 3 mishes (more like 8 really)... sheesh.

After living the hi-life of a C6 Wormholer anything less than 300 to 600m ISK per an evenings playtime is simply just not worth the effort... it's like dropping back to minimum wage after making 100k a year...

The PvE in EvE really is horrible... even Sleepers... Yup, I said it... even Sleepers... with the right comp they are so predictable and rote in their tactics that even C6 sites could be a bore except you have to run them in fleet, with friends which made it tolerable... too much DPS and Ewar to solo even if you can multibox... at least as far as I am concerned.

On a side note, and a personal 'thing'... there has been much said against Ewar in EvE. Everyone knows 'everybody HATES' Ewar... yet, you all do realize Webs and Points, long and short, are Ewar right? And where would PvP be without them now?? but I digress...

PvE sucks... and it's all I have left to me ATM... and it's enough to drive a man to murder.

Fly wreckless and see you in the Sky...  =/|)=

Monday, October 21, 2013

I want it ALL...

~or, “Why can’t we have FIS, FPS and FIF and WIS too? Real Life does…”
Another one of my ‘Comments That Decided it Was a Post’ posts…

From the indomitable Jester we have a recent post, “Inside your own head” with his take on the current HD iteration of “Valkyrie”, the EvE based Flying In Fighters [FIF] game. Besides being completely sold on the whole concept, hardware and playability Jester opines…  “This game needs context.  I can see Valkryie being fantastic for an hour, maybe two hours.  After that, to become a product, it needs a wrapper.” By this he means, “How does Valkyrie ‘fit’ into EvE?

My response? Damn that’s easy... (ok not capitol ’E’ easy but...) Valkyrie should, IMHO, be not so much a thunderdome or an arena (ideas which I hate as they have nothing to do with our virtual life in New Eden, Ancient Rome notwithstanding)… IE Valk should not be ‘separate’ from EvE… It should take place IN EVE. CCP should initially tie Valkyrie in where it BELONGS... inna Cap fight...

Some pilots could Opt to fly Fighters instead of Starships... Or swap to a Fighter when it is tactically advantageous… or have an alt fly the Carrier they launch their main from… (OOOooo!) The mechanic for Fighters is there, the mechanic for player controlled starships is there, tie the 2 together... let US Fly the Fighters and Fighter Bombers that are sortied from our Carriers...

Launch would be cuts similar to current docking and undocking... let your fighter run on AP (IE under normal Drone/Fighter RoE [Rules of Engagement]) until you decide to take control. IE you could fly manual ATW or in AP controlled formations, warp-to in formation, approach in formation then “BREAK! BREAK!” ”All Fighters, weapons free…” “Go get some boys!”

Look, as far as I am concerned, EVE should have it ALL... We should have our cake made of FIS, and all the FPS/FIF/WIS frosting we can eat too...  =]

I’m the first to say I know very little of coding, I’m a support and LAN tech by trade not a Bug Hunter… but I can help but wonder with so many of these pieces already in place, is it in the realm of possibility to either combine them (granted not as clean a creating new) or use them as a template for creating new code to allow the Fighter Pilots of New Eden to join in us, The Empyrean Starship Captains and the Immortal Templar Soldiers and make a difference in the wars and struggles in EvE?

Additionally same as the rest of the game, some new missions and exploration sites would be geared towards the capabilities of this level of ship type. Fighter soloable L1s and 2s & exploration sites… First Person EvE…  why not?

This should be a whole new 'skill trained' gameplay option same as frigates, cruiser, etc. The variety of Fighters and Fighter Bombers (and NEW Carrier Sky Wing types!!!) should be its own’ THING’... hulls, mods, weaps, Ewar, etc. Only on a single man FIGHTER scale. They would have or at least start with DPS/Range/Speed/etc./etc similar or the same as today's then Let The Iteration & Rebalancing Begin!!

Plus (unabashed plug for What I Want!)... Valkyrie, a FIF simulation inside EvE just might pave the way for a PROPERLY envisioned & rolled out WIS [Walking in Stations]... and once more make New Eden a new place to play for those whom Starship Captain was never on their Bucket List... but Ace Space Fighter Jock [X-Wing etc.] and Lone Wolf Explorer [Laura Croft inna Halo Spartan Suit] are. Now they could do those things in New Eden too... Do I hear the cash registers ring with new accounts being created that aren’t Alts of Rich Bored Nullseccers?? or mebbe are…  =]

Fly wreckless and see you in the Sky  =/|)=

PS It seems CCP may not have as completely folded up on WIS as has been reported... per Mabrick's latest post, "Valkyrie - The How", I quote, "CCP Pokethulhu alluded in his talk at EVE Vegas that CCP would not keep the door in our Captain's Quarters locked forever." ...  Hmmm... this bodes well for a more fully fleshed out and immersive EvE Online.

Sunday, October 20, 2013


I'm logged on and FLYING a SPACESHIP in EVE!!!!

Ok, I'm logged on and flying a metric-fuk-butt-ton of ships from the random stations they were dropped off at by one of my exceedingly helpful mates back when RL ganked my EVE time into oblivion... so if yer anywhere near Amarr tonight you might have caught a glimpse of ol Tur autopiloting back-n-forth inna ship thenna pod thenna ship thenna pod...

Most of SYJ has moved to NPC Null....    big fat ol Meh from yours truly... but it seems we, SYJ, Surely You're Joking Alliance, has KILLED Aniokis, workhole space, negsec... We were the Last Man Standing it seems in the VLWAC (Very Large Wormhole Alliance Club) and now we're the Last Alliance Leaving. Things had gotten real 'quiet' in Aniokis, that I can't nor won't deny... We would roll hole after hole after hole and find.... naught for our troubles. Either no one home, or them as were ran n hid the minute they caught wind of SYJ in da House... so along with the group failscade of a number of big W-space Alliances "we" killed wormholes.

So "we" ran to Nullsec.... oh joy. Needless to say, I dint. This all coincided with my personal life kinda failscading and job changes etc. ad nauseam and so I took an unintentional break from EvE. Not sure I am exactly "back" even now, but I found to my wonder and amazement that I had some FREE TIME this evening and lo and behold I logged on.

So I am gathering together those ships as made it out of the hole... and contemplating Tur's future...

Will it be NPC Null with Mab and the guys in SYJ? Will it be back to the hole which some in my little corp want? Will it be some foray into other as yet unexplored areas of EvE...
Might I go a'cursioning with an Alliance mate?
Seek solace and ISK as a temporary guest of some other (smaller) Aniokis group?
Try my hand once more at solo low class hole diving for fun and profit?
Spend a few weeks having my ass handed to me by Monsieur Javix and his band of ruffians?
Log off again in despair?

Right now I am consolidating ships and getting reacquainted with the stars and sky and where the FUCK is the "open Inventory" button!?!?!? As for the rest...

We shall see said the blind man...
We shall hear said the deaf man...
Mm Mm Mm said the mute...

Fly wreckless and see you in the sky =/|)=

Monday, September 2, 2013


I just looked at the date of my  last post... I knew I had not posted in a longish while but damn.

Things are going on IRL... finished up a contract, job hunting, interviews, call backs, regrets you dint make the cut, and TA-DA!!  landed a new contract before the old one closed... then wrapping up things at work, prepping  for a week w/o pay tween jobs, and spending time w/ dottir afore skool restarts on tomorrow... I been BUSY man...  (and Ripard Teg went to Iceland and just MOVED n shit and all it did was slow him down a little... sheesh)

Plus other factors of a moar personal nature are effecting my online time... hell all I been loggin on for this past month was PI, one night of sites and Skill Queue Online... oh well, so it goes sumtimes huh?

Hopefully once I get settled in the new job and a few other things get settled out a bit, I'll have more free time... I'm still here, just RL>EVE is all...

Fly Safe and see you in the Sky =/|)=

Monday, August 12, 2013

Folklore in New Eden… BB48: Lore

~or, “The Power of Myth…”

"Welcome to the continuing monthly EVE Blog Banters and our 48th edition! For more details about what the blog banters are visit the Blog Banter page.

This month's topic is a request from CCP Sisyphus who wants to know how important is Lore in EVE Online?

How important is “fluff” in Eve online? Would eve online be the same if it were purely numbers and mechanics, or are the fictional elements important to the enjoyment of the game? Would a pure text, no reference to sci-fi or fancy names still be an engaging game? Should CCP put more or less emphasis on immersion?"

First, a few remarks on the above statement:
(1) I do not consider the Lore of New Eden (or any well crafted and seriously thought out backstory for any decent game) as “fluff”...
(2) I do not consider Immersion as a definition, or a main part, of Lore. The Lore assists with Immersion during gameplay (especially roleplay).

That said, in response to what I feel the Burning Question of BB48: How important is Lore in EVE Online?

First and foremost this is an extremely subjective question. Lore, the science fiction based backstory and additional scifi based current stories in EvE and the ongoing emergent (living) history of New Eden that we the playerbase are creating are collectively the 'Lore' of EvE.

Included in this are 3 published hardback novels, “EVE: The Empyrean Age” (Tor Books; Aug 4, 2009) by Tony Gonzalas, “EVE: The Burning Life” (Tor Books; Mar 30, 2010) written by Hjalti Daníelsson, and “EVE: Templar One” (Tor Books; Jan 3, 2012) also by Tony Gonzalas. The official cannon on older sites such as the (currently inactive) “Chronicles”, newer sites such as the official “EVE Timeline” and player driven site, “EVE True Stories”...

These just barely scratch the surface... the number of blogs and fanfic, official and player driven sites with ties and stories that relate to both the fictional and emergent Lore of EvE is quite simply astounding. My blog, “A CARBON Based Life” is basically a journal of my experiences as my main, 'TurAmarth ElRandir' a Matarii Empyrean and Anoikis Mercenary... and the stories I write of my exploits are as much 'Lore' as Tony Gonzales's “EVE Templar One” novel, just emergent Lore based on my virtual life experiences as compared to stories of fictional (sometimes blended with emergent) experiences.

Ripard Teg said the lore in games like the Elder Scrolls “...often has an impact on game-play...”, and “...the lore [in EvE] doesn't impact the game-play at all. And therefore I get no advantage out of learning it.”. This is because the Lore in EvE is not about game play or (directly) the mechanics of the game, it is not about 'advantage', it is about history... it IS our virtual history and while history does not give you direct advantages, it gives indirect advantages. It helps one to understand the mindset and culture of a group of people.

In EvE, as the 'offical' history is fictional and does not actually relate to the reality (or virtuality if  you will) of the playerbase. The real people playing EvE are not in actuality Gallente, Amarr or Matarii so we do not act in accordance with the Official Lore. This is where Emergent Lore comes from. Capsuleers are not Gallente, or Matarii, we may come from them but we are now Immortals, separate, apart and very different from the great mass of 'normal' humans that populate the worlds and fill the stations and...

...and yes, (asubbotin, commenter on Ripard’s blog) the hundreds and thousands of people who serve, and often die, as crew our ships (if anyone thinks for one second that one lone human mentally hot-wired into the computer systems of a STARSHIP could handle everything on his own is seriously delusional... (and you know what? That's ok by me as, of course, EvE IS a game after all as our ships [in the GAME] are actually piloted by one guy sittin at a keyboard and staring into a screen...) but, in the official Lore it is a well established fact that our ships, all except PODs and shuttles are crewed by more than just one lone guy, no matter how enhanced, implanted and plugged in he may be... Ignoring this is simply something players who want to just play a spaceship game like it's an FPS do... except EvE is not an FPS...
but I digress...

How important is the Lore, or would a “...pure text, no reference to sci-fi or fancy names...” game be as engaging as EvE is? Simply put, IMHO not to me... but to answer that maybe the question is not 'how' but 'why' is Lore important? The plain truth is that while it garners you not one single 'advantage' in playing the game, it fulfills the need for understanding and basis of the why of the way things are now and it gives a framework from which to work forward... Forward? How so you ask?

“EVE Templar One” is a novel by Tony Gonzales that is (1) a highly enjoyable work of good SciFi in and of itself but it is also (B) the Lore, the backstory that provides an explanation of how the DUSTers came to exist in New Eden and the technology involved. Is this important? Well, it won't help you kill anyone better, of fit your ships better, or take and hold Sov... but it does form the basis, the rationale behind, all Industrial production. T1, 2 & 3 assets.

New fictional lore could give us access to new tech. For instance Sleeper tech salvaged from the Sleepers themselves as the original consciousness transfer tech was... this could be a basis for new implant tech... this also is a good basis for WiS and backs up some of the proposed gameplay inherent in that Lore.

IMHO the best Lore in EvE is the same as the best Myth and Legend IRL... the Lore that we don't know yet. IRL the story behind the Anaasází ( Navajo for "Ancient Ones" or "Ancient Enemy" commonly called Anasazi) is fascinating because we don't “know” the story. There are no records and little evidence left behind for us.

In EvE the Sleepers and the Talocan take that place... all we have left from them are the artifacts they left behind and so we find them fascinating... we are discovering their Lore as we go. I will admit to, as some of you already know, a great disappointment when CCP dropped the plans for Walking in Stations which COULD have led to some facilitating and potentially profitable avatar based gameplay such as this...

None of the Lore gives anyone any real ‘advantages’ in gameplay per se... but like  history in the real world... the lore of the people, the folklore of New Eden if you will... is the tapestry created from the interweaving of the stories, both fictional and emergent, of our living history...

Whether or not it is important to you depends on whether you care about history, and a good story... now doesn't it?

Fly Safe and see you in the Sky  =/|)=


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